Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry is a significant and necessary ministry in the local church, because God is calling and raising up men to be leaders in the church. Unfortunately, men have been pushed back in the shadows of the local church, but now, God is raising up men to be leaders in the home as well as the church. Men’s ministry, as with any ministry, is about providing the environment in which men can develop and grow and become what God has called them to be. Bethel Christian Fellowship places great emphasis upon men and their involvement in God’s Church. There are two biblical principles that govern Men’s Ministry, which is Fellowship and Discipleship. Here at Bethel Christian Fellowship, we focus upon the three elements of the man: body, soul, and spirit. We realize that both men and women have individual needs, but Men’s Ministry focuses directly upon their needs and to become disciples of Jesus Christ. We cordially invite all men to attend a free breakfast every second Saturday of each month as we fellowship with each other and receive encouragement.