Connect God And People

Matthew 9:36

One of the most important responsibilities of church leadership and believers is to engage God with people.  Here at Bethel Christian Fellowship, we take seriously the importance of each person.  In other words, “We’re all about People.”  Valuing people is a major step in the connection process.  As one studies the ministry of Jesus, one cannot overestimate the significance of each and every person that Jesus died for.  Unfortunately, some evangelical churches have become so involved in programs and committees and not people.  Jesus sacrificed His life because He fully understood the value of a person.

When attempting to influence people toward God, it is essential to recognize the biblical principle that governed the ministry of Jesus.  Matthew 9:36 states, “But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (KJV).  It is essential that we communicate and impact people with a heartfelt compassion.  Christians must recognize the importance to communicate with people in order to develop life-long connections with others. It is also important to share with people from your heart, because that is a direct result of one’s relationship with Jesus.  Today, people are looking to develop genuine relationships with others that will connect them with God.  Here at Bethel Christian Fellowship, we will assist you as you pursue in your relationship with Jesus and others.

—Fred M. Jensen, Ph.D
Senior Pastor